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The term "Whiplash" is associated with neck injuries that frequently occur as a result of motor vehicle collisions. There is much published about how injury occurs, the most compelling of which is that we simply cannot voluntarily contract our neck muscles fast enough to avoid injury, as injury to the neck occurs within 500msec. and [..]
(FM) symptoms are characterized by chronic generalized pain, and can
include debilitating fatigue, sleep disturbance, joint stiffness,
numbness or tingling, bowel/bladder dysfunction, and can sometimes
effect one's ability to process their thoughts clearly (cognitive
dysfunction). It can come on fast, almost overnight, or it can develop
very slowly over several years. This highly variable [..]
Chiropractic techniques are not limited to any particular group.
Doctors of chiropractic see patients of all ages, sizes, genders,
ethnicities, and so on. So, is the care of children “different” than chiropractic care applied to adults? If so, how?There
are studies that have reviewed the treatment of musculoskeletal (MSK)
conditions (like low back pain), non-MSK [..]
If the greatest player in the history of the National Football League said, "Chiropractic was the key to keeping me in the game," do you think chiropractic care could help you with your back pain and other aches and pains?
Well, that's exactly what happened.
Jerry Rice, who on November 4, 2010 was named the [..]
Have you ever considered which type of doctor is best suited to treat back pain?
Since there are so many treatment options available today, it is quite challenging to make this decision without a little help.
To facilitate, a study looking at this very question compared the effectiveness between medical and chiropractic intervention.
Over a [..]
We cannot thank our family, friends, patients, and allied healthcare providers enough for referring patients to our practice.
There is no other form of advertising that attracts the quality of patients as those our patients refer to us.
So, here's some information that may help you tell others about us:
Chiropractic has been around since [..]
This question is asked frequently by patients visiting chiropractors.
To answer this question, let's first talk about, "what is arthritis?"
The word "arthritis" is derived from "arth-" meaning "joint" and "-itis" meaning "inflammation."
Hence, arthritis is basically swelling in the joint.
Many types of arthritis have been identified—in fact, over 100!
Some types of arthritis [..]
Chiropractic was founded in 1895 after a spinal adjustment to the upper region of the spine restored a man's hearing.
Since then, our profession has been conducting research to help determine why spinal manipulation or adjustments work so well.
Many conditions have been studied, as well as the physiological responses to the adjustment including changes [..]
In the mid-1980s, a political event spurred a change regarding the medical community's outward disrespect of chiropractors when the AMA (American Medical Association) was sued for anti-trust violations and the chiropractors won!
For the first time, the public, open anti-chiropractic slander that appeared on billboards, in magazine articles, and in TV/radio advertisements against the chiropractic [..]
The headline to this article may seem strange to you. After all, what does the news have to do with your back?
According to the Johns Hopkins Health Alerts, quite a bit.
The Health Alert entitled, "Back Pain and Osteoporosis Special Report The Mind Body Connection," reads "A growing number of studies affirm that the [..]
Harvard Study: Low Back Pain Patients Significantly More Satisfied with Chiropractic Than Conventional Medical Care.
In 2002, at the 17th annual North American Spine Society meeting, three medical doctors defended chiropractic by citing a Harvard study that found low back pain patients were significantly more satisfied with Chiropractic treatments compared to conventional medical care.
After [..]
Here's something interesting. Do you know how much money American Airlines saved in 1987 by eliminating ONE olive from each salad they served in first class?
You'll never guess.
Amazing, isn't it? And if you translate that amount to today's dollars—it would be a lot more!
You want to know what else is interesting [..]